
Date(s) - 24/07/2022
8:00 am - 8:30 pm

Walk Details

Pub Stop?: Yes
O/S Map Sheet No.: 42
Grid Ref. Start: 690573
Grid Ref. Finish 750556
Walk (Miles): 10
Walk Hours: 5
Bus Time to Walk:3.5 hrs
Bus Time from Walk: 3.5 hrs
Departure time from walk: 4:30 pm

Walk Notes

Aberdeen Hillwalking Club

24 July 2022                      Schiehallion   –   Lassintullich to Braes of Foss  ( OS Maps 42 Glen Garry )

Bus departs Aberdeen at 8.00am

Today we head into Central Perthshire to climb the iconic conical peak of Schiehallion 1083m (3553ft). Translated as the “ Fairy Hill of the Caledonians “.

A plaque at the Braes of Foss car park commemorates the experiments carried out on the slopes of Schiehallion in 1774 by Nevil Maskelyn , once the Astromoner Royal, to determine the Earth’s mass by observing the deflection of a pendulum caused by the mass of the mountain itself.

The walk  is a through-route though members may wish to travel to Braes of Foss car park and climb the hill by the popular and relatively new footpath to the summit and returning by the same outward route.

Two options for this walk are therefore shown below:

Route1.  The walk commences near Tempar (NGR 690575) just West of Lassintullich on the Braes of Foss to Kinloch Rannoch road. Follow the track heading South along the Tempar burn for approximately 3 km (2miles) or onwards to the small building at the end of the Tempar track (NGR698547) before heading directly uphill on the Western slopes of Schiehallion. Slopes which become increasingly rocky as you ascend, to eventually arrive at the summit peak.

The route then follows across stony ground and care should be taken negotiating these quartzite boulders as you progress in an Easterly direction along the whaleback ridge before heading downwards on a new track on the North East shoulder of the hill arriving at the Braes of Foss car park (NGR 753556) where the bus will be parked.

Walking Distance   approximately 8 Miles (12 Kms)

  Please note that the route download to your mobile device only works if you can open files (e.g. OS or OutdoorActive)

Total distance: 10162 m
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Download file: LassintullichtoBraesofFoss.gpx


Route 2.  Commence the walk at the Braes of Foss car park (NGR 753556) and follow the track heading Westwards. Keep to this excellent path which gives good access and climbs the increasing slopes with stony ground all around. The route is marked by passing some old tumbledown sheep fanks on route to the base of the East ridge. Higher up many small cairns mark the way along the whaleback ridge but again care must be taken negotiating the rocky boulders to eventually reach the summit cairn. Return by the same outward route to arrive back at the car park where the bus will be parked. (NGR 753556).

Walking Distance   6 Miles (10 Kms).

Please note that the route download to your mobile device only works if you can open gpx (e.g. OS or OutdoorActive).

Total distance: 10162 m
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Download file: BraesofFosstoScheihallion&Back.gpx

The above notes are for guidance only and are intended as an aid to be used along with a map and compass and /or GPS devices with OS maps.

In the event of an emergency arising the person in charge of the bus should be notified if possible before any emergency services are contacted on 999.

Committee Member in charge of todays walk is Frank Kelly (Mobile Number 07821631362).


Online bookings are closed for this event. Please contact Gilbert to find out if there are spaces available.