Date(s) - 12/07/20158:00 am - 8:00 pm
Walk Details
Pub Stop?: Yes O/S Map Sheet No.: 44 & 43 Grid Ref. Start: 285 760 Grid Ref. Finish 156 882 Walk (Miles): 13 Walk Hours: 7 Bus Time to Walk:2.5 hours Bus Time from Walk: 2.0 hours Departure time from walk: 17:30Walk Notes
N.B. 8.00am start from Aberdeen.
Today, we are back in one of the Angus Glens – Glen Clova. It is where Glen Clova meets Glen Doll at the beginning of the Jock’s Road walk. This walk was the first to be given a “Scottish Rights of Way” status in the 19th Century. Gilbert McCurdy suggested this walk and your Committee included it in the 2015 Programme. Your Club last did this walk in September 2011- it was a fine autumnal day then, with glorious views in all directions – let’s hope we get a similar day. The outing today is a through-one, so members who require a shorter walk – please indicate your intentions with your committee member in charge of the bus.
From the bus at NGR 285 760, cross the bridge over the River South Esk and follow the road past the Visitor Centre. Our route soon veers W’wards past Acharn and keeps to the north side of the White Water burn to eventually reach a split in the path, (NGR 268 760) at a signpost pointing towards the Glen Doll Forest and Braemar, via Jock’s Road. Take this path through the trees for about 1.5 miles to a gate at the far side of the forest, and open ground. Continue your route, by ascending the Jock’s Road path for about 1.25miles to gain “Davies Bourach” shelter (NGR 232 778), at its highest point below the shoulder of Cairn Lunkard (863m). Our onwards path now swings NW’wards, sometimes over quite wet and boggy ground to eventually gain Crow Craigies (920m) and onwards to a col (NGR 217 806), between Tolmount and Knaps of Fafernie, before descending quite steeply, between two burns, into the upper reaches of Glen Callater. Follow the valley floor path, on the east side of the Allt an Loch burn for about 2 miles, to reach the south end of Loch Callater. Continue on a good path NW’wards, along the east shore of this loch, to gain Loch Callater Lodge. From here, head NW’wards down the glen for about 3 miles to Auchallater, where our bus will be waiting (NGR 156 882).
Walking distance approx. 13 miles.
Bus departs at 5.30pm.
In the event of an emergency arising, the person in charge of the outing should be contacted, if possible, before the police are contacted.
Relevant telephone number for Grampian police is 0845 600 5700 or 999.
Committee member in charge today is Frank Kelly
Online bookings are closed for this event. Please contact Gilbert to find out if there are spaces available.