
Date(s) - 03/05/2015
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Walk Details

Pub Stop?: Yes
O/S Map Sheet No.: 37
Grid Ref. Start: 313029
Grid Ref. Finish 344121
Walk (Miles): 9
Walk Hours: 4.5
Bus Time to Walk:2 hours
Bus Time from Walk: 2 hours
Departure time from walk: 14:30

Walk Notes

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N.B. 8.00am start from Aberdeen.

Today, we are back on Donside to walk the hills to the south side of Strathdon. Your Club have not been in this area since April 2010 where we climbed Mona Gowan before heading eastwards towards Boultenstone. This walk is a through one, so members who require a shorter walk – please indicate your intentions with your committee member in charge of the bus, so that early discussions can take place with the driver.

This walk was originally meant to finish at Roughpark but the bridge marked on the map over the River Don, towards Candacraig on its north side, no longer exists. Therefore, we finish on the south side of the River Don near Culfork.

The walk commences on the A939 “Old Military Road” (NGR 313 029) between Deeside and Donside. From the bus, head E’wards into Glen Fenzie, passing the old ruins of Glen Fenzie Lodge on your left. Continue NE’wards along this track towards the entrance of Glen Beg. At a split in the path, head NE’wards into Glen More and ascend the path until your route levels off (approx.NGR 332 044). A path (not shown on the O.S. 1 in 50,000 map) ascends NE’wards up the longish shoulder of Mona Gowan (749m) to reach its large summit cairn. This large cairn was erected by locals to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in 1887. From the summit, head N’wards to pick up a wide track which descends, sometimes in zigzags, towards the east side of Meikle Charsk Hill (587m). Keep right at a split in the path (approx. NGR 339 077) and go onwards to Lynmore Farm. At a split in the path, continue N’wards, (do not go to Birkford farm) along the edge of the forest, (N.B. the overhead power lines shown on the map no longer exist) to eventually join a metalled road about half a mile to the south of Mains of Glencarvie farm. Follow this road N’wards and, as it swings west, after about 300m, our bus will be parked at a large lay-by to the east of Culfork (NGR 342 106).

Walking distance approx. 9 miles

Bus departs at 3.00pm for our short pub stop in Alford.

In the event of an emergency arising, the person in charge of the outing should be contacted, if possible, before the police are contacted.

Relevant telephone number for Grampian police is 0845 600 5700 or 999.

Committee member in charge today is Heather Eddie


Online bookings are closed for this event. Please contact Gilbert to find out if there are spaces available.