Date(s) - 07/09/20148:00 am - 7:00 pm
Walk Details
Pub Stop?: Yes O/S Map Sheet No.: 44 Grid Ref. Start: 285761 Grid Ref. Finish 285761 Walk (Miles): 12 Walk Hours: 6 Bus Time to Walk:2.5 Bus Time from Walk: 2 Departure time from walk: 16:30Walk Notes
AHWC. Glen Clova circ. (incl. Dreish/Mayar/part of Jock’s Road/Corrie Fee).
7th September 2014. O.S.Map 44 (Ballater).
N.B. 8.00am start from Aberdeen.
Today, we are back in one of the Angus Glens – Glen Clova. This area throws up so many great walks that you can be spoiled for choice. Two walks are suggested below but you may think differently. In the event of safety, please indicate on the “attendance sheet” which walk you will be doing. The outing today is a circular one, so members who require a shorter walk – please indicate your intentions with your committee member in charge of the bus. The bus will be parked all day at the road end in Glen Clova (NGR 285 761), opposite the bridge over the River South Esk.
(1). Dreish (947m) & Mayar (928m). From the bus, cross the bridge over the South Esk and walk through the car park, past the visitor centre. Head W’wards into Glen Doll, past Acharn and turn south to cross the bridge over the White Water Burn and enter Glen Doll forest. Climb (SW’wards) the Shank of Drumfollow on a good path to gain the plateau at about NGR 258 739. Pick up a path heading initially SE’wards to climb to the summit trig point of Dreish. Retrace your steps back to the top of Shank of Drumfollow and follow a path W’wards which crosses the head of the Kilbo Path coming up from Glen Prosen. Keep heading W’wards and climb to the summit of Mayar. From this summit, descend N’wards to pick up a path beside the Fee Burn (NGR 241 747) and follow this track downwards into spectacular Corrie Fee. The track eventually reaches the valley floor and the edge of the Glen Doll forest. Continue NE’wards through the forest, cross the bridge over the White Water burn and join a wide path going E’wards back to the Glen Doll visitor centre and our bus.
Walking distance approx. 10 miles.
(2) Part of “Jock’s Road”. Follow walk (1) as far as Acharn but continue W’wards through the forest to a signpost “Braemar by Jock’s Road” at NGR 268 960. Continue on this path through Glen Doll forest to exit the trees at a gate, to gain open ground and then ascend Jock’s Road to gain “Davie’s Bourrach” – a small shelter at NGR 232 778. Descend at a suitable point and cross the White Water burn to contour Meikle Kilrannoch. Cross the Burn of Fialzioch and keep to the high ground to eventually reach the summit of Mayar. From this summit, descend on a good path and head E’wards to the top of the Shank of Drumfollow. Descend the Shank in a NE’ly direction and enter Glen Doll Forest. Cross the White Water burn at the bridge and return to our bus via Acharn and the Visitor Centre car park.
Walking distance approx. 12 miles.