
Date(s) - 13/11/2016
9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Walk Details

Pub Stop?: No
O/S Map Sheet No.: 29
Grid Ref. Start: 689 632
Grid Ref. Finish 704 647
Walk (Miles): 8
Walk Hours: 4
Bus Time to Walk:2.5 hrs
Bus Time from Walk: 2 hrs
Departure time from walk: 4:00 p.m.

Walk Notes

O.S.Map 29 (Banff).

N.B. 9.00am start from Aberdeen.

Today, we are near the Moray coast to walk beside the River Deveron. Graham Sangster suggested this walk and it was included in our 2016 Programme. Your Club have not been to this area since December 2004. A short comfort stop will be made at Huntly before continuing towards our start point at Banff. This walk is a through-one, so members who require a shorter or different walk – please (for safety reasons) indicate your intentions with your committee member in charge of the bus.

Our walk commences at the car park near Duff House Museum (NGR 689 632), just on the outskirts of Banff. From this carpark, head SW’wards on a good track through the forest past an “ice house” and a “mausoleum”, built in 1790 by the second Earl of Fife. The path eventually swings to the left near a cottage and soon descends to cross the River Deveron at the Bridge of Alvah (NGR 680 610). Once over this bridge, the route heads NE’wards for a short distance, before turning E’wards past Montcoffer House and onwards to Mains of Montcoffer farm. At the next junction, (NGR 698 617), turn left (N’wards) and pick up a path between houses on your left after about 50 yards. (Do not continue on this metalled road northwards). Follow this partially overgrown path (often quite muddy), along the edge of a field and through a forest for about 0.75 miles to eventually arrive at some cottages (NGR 696 628) with a superb view towards Banff (on a good day). Turn sharp left and go SW’wards along the edge of Montcoffer Wood and descend towards the south-east bank of the River Deveron near Kirkside farm. At a split in the route, go right and walk along the SE riverbank for about a mile, past the distillery on you right, to emerge on to the A947 Banff/Turiff road. Turn left here and walk approx. 200 yards towards the road bridge over the River Deveron (do not cross this bridge). At NGR 696 637, on the other side of the road, pick up an uphill path which soon crosses the dismantled Macduff railway line and ascends quite steeply to the top of Hill of Doune with fine views across Banff Bay and the River Deveron (on a good day). Continue NE’wards on a well-defined path and eventually descend into the village of Macduff. Our bus will be parked near the harbour.

Walking distance approx. 8 miles

Bus departs at 4.00pm.

In the event of an emergency arising, the person in charge of the outing should be contacted, if possible, before the police are contacted.

Relevant telephone number for Banffshire police is 101 (non emergency) or 999.

Committee member in charge today is Hamish Clunas


Online bookings are closed for this event. Please contact Gilbert to find out if there are spaces available.