
Date(s) - 02/04/2023
9:00 am - 6:30 pm

Walk Details

Pub Stop?: If Time Permits
O/S Map Sheet No.: 29
Grid Ref. Start: 509 664
Grid Ref. Finish 509 664
Walk (Miles): 9
Walk Hours: 4.5
Bus Time to Walk:2.5 hrs
Bus Time from Walk: 2 hrs
Departure time from walk: 4:00 pm

Walk Notes

Bin of Cullen Circular
Date 2nd April 2023 Bus departs Aberdeen at 09.00am
O.S. Map 29
Main Walk:- The walk commences at the large car park near Cullen House (NGR 509 664). From the bus, head S’wards towards Lintmill for approx. 600 yards, but at a house on your left, at a track junction (approx. NGR 511 656), turn sharp right, past a single beam barrier (sometimes open), to soon cross a bridge over the Burn of Deskford, which is on your left. Continue SW’wards, slightly uphill, ignoring a track on the right at a hairpin bend (approx. NGR 508 656). Walk along a wide path beside the Glen Burn, which is on your left, through Shirralds Wood for almost 2 miles to eventually arrive at a track junction (NGR 489 635). Go NW’wards, uphill, for about half a mile to reach a track junction (approx. NGR 484 641). If you want to access the summit of Bin of Cullen take the track on your left, W’wards, to the summit trig where, on a clear day, you will be rewarded with a superb panoramic view in all directions. Return from the summit to the track junction and continue N’wards & NE’wards round the west side of Little Bin, ignoring a path on the left which heads N’wards. Your ongoing route descends and veers NW’wards at a T junction (NGR 489 648) away from Chalmer’s Slack and soon N’wards, ignoring a path on your right (NGR 486 650) to arrive at a path junction at (NGR 483 653). Turn right and head NE’wards and soon E‘wards to arrive at a path split at (NGR 495 654). Go left, (N’wards) and soon NE’wards. This forest path eventually emerges from the trees (NGR 501 658) into open ground to cross a major track coming in from Home Farm. Walk basically E’wards down a path lined with trees and between fields to join a metalled road (NGR 505 659). Turn right at this road, then after a short distance, go left (NGR 506 659) and follow this track for about 500 yards, with the Burn of Deskford on your left, back to our incoming path at (NGR 508 656). Turn left on this hairpin bend, go slightly downhill, and soon re-cross the bridge over the Burn of Deskford. After approx. 300 yards, go sharp left, after the beam barrier and head basically N’wards to our bus parked in the car park at Cullen House.
Walking distance approx. 9 miles/14.5km

Total distance: 14462 m
Max elevation: 319 m
Min elevation: 20 m
Download file: Bin%20of%20Cullen%20Circular.gpx

Shorter Alternative Walk:- For a shorter walk you can return the route used on the way in after ascending the Bin Hill
Or miss out the climb taking the next track on the right (NGR 484647), turn left at (NGR 489648) and proceed to (NGR 483653) where you turn right proceeding to junction at (NGR 495654) taking the track to left, initially north but swinging to an easterly direction. At minor crossroad go straight on across open area to re-enter wooded area turn right walking S,eastward on to narrow trail.(Do not follow vehicle track to right) Arriving at (NGR 508656 cross bridge on left following trail to (NGR 511655) which is the gap taking you out of the estate, turn left with wall on left back to car park.
Walking distance approx. 7.5 miles/11.2km

Total distance: 12134 m
Max elevation: 213 m
Min elevation: 20 m
Download file: Shorter%20Alternative.gpx

Bus departs 4.00pm for Aberdeen at 6.30pm
The above notes are for guidance only and are intended as an aid to be used along with a map and compass and/or a GPS device with OS maps.
In the event of an emergency arising, the person in charge today should be notified, if possible, before the emergency services are contacted on 999.
Committee member in charge of today’s walk is Hamish Clunas. Mobile No. 07745 789726


Online bookings are closed for this event. Please contact Gilbert to find out if there are spaces available.